“A Twestivus for the Rest of Us”
Today marks the second annual celebration of Twestival, the global charity event held in 175 cities worldwide. This year’s featured organization gaining support from the Twitterverse is Concern Worldwide. Concern is a non-governmental, international, humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. The organization puts a large emphasis on helping the estimated 70+ million children who are not enrolled in school gain an education.
This is a great cause but what does this mean for you?
One of the best ways to find out what you can do to help is to check out Mashable’s recent posting on the five ways to get involved with Twestival. There they give tips on which locations to visit, how to donate online and how you can offer your support on Twitter. Today we are going to be dedicating our tweets to the cause, tweeting facts about education in poor countries to help raise awareness.
Twestival is just one more example of how Twitter can be used to accomplish social good.