Donate to Our Silent Auction
Looking for a great way to support HHPLIFT?
Our silent auction at this year’s Pasta with a Purpose Fundraiser is great way to support HHPLIFT and show your commitment to SPARKCHANGE.
We are actively looking for donations for our signature silent auction at this year’s Pasta with Purpose fundraiser.
Learn more.
As a silent auction donor, you’ll be featured in our program book, and prominently displayed at the auction for other community-mind individuals to see.
Complete a Silent Auction Donation Form.
We hope you will consider supporting our mission by donating to our signature silent auction, and/or purchasing a ticket. Our silent auction features a fun array of items on which guests can bid.
Consider donating an item such as:
- Dining Certificates
- A Private Catered Party
- Lunch/Dinner with a Celebrity
- Concert
- Theater
- Symphony
- Movie
- Comedy Club
- Sporting Tickets
- Use of a Skybox
- Hot Air Balloon Ride
- MovieLyric Opera
- Backstage Pass on News Show
- Local Filming
- Concert
- Museum Memberships/Passes
- Private Jet to New York City
- Tickets to a Broadway Show
- Dinner, Hotel
- Donated Entertainment (Private Parties, Antique Appraisals, etc.)
- Electronics (Smart Phones, Tablets, Computers, Media Players, Fitness/Smart Watches, Xboxes, Wii’s, Games)
- Unique Gift Baskets
- Bottles/Cases(s) of Fine Wine
- Boutique Items (Jewelry, Handbags, Luggage, Perfume, Clothing Certificates
- Autographed Memorabilia
- Certificates for Sport Lessons (Golf, Tennis, etc.)
- Home Repair Services (Plumbing, Carpentry, Painting, etc.)
- Household Items (TVs, Small Appliances, etc.)
- Food or Flowers of the Month Club
- A Stay at Your Vacation Home
- Airline Tickets
- Complete Package Trips (Hotel, Airfare, Meals, Event Tickets)
Thank you for supporting HHPLIFT! Our goal, to provide a customized career path at HHPLIFT and beyond, is met time and again with team members who go on to successful careers in production, sales and management.
Want to learn more?